Monday, October 25, 2010

When the mouse is away, the cat sleeps!

Or Top 10 best things about your husband being out of town:
  1. Not having to stay on my side of the bed.
  2. Not having to get out of bed to blow my nose.
  3. Not having to use the kids bathroom down the hall.
  4. Not having to wake up before 7am.
  5. Not having to shower.
  6. Not having to put on make up.
  7. Not having to stay on my side of the garage.
  8. Not having to make a proper dinner.
  9. Not having to choose between the tv or computer.
  10. Not having to do anything for anyone after 7pm.
Which all leads to...

Not having a life!

So thanks honey for making me a better person!  I miss you!