Monday, October 25, 2010

When the mouse is away, the cat sleeps!

Or Top 10 best things about your husband being out of town:
  1. Not having to stay on my side of the bed.
  2. Not having to get out of bed to blow my nose.
  3. Not having to use the kids bathroom down the hall.
  4. Not having to wake up before 7am.
  5. Not having to shower.
  6. Not having to put on make up.
  7. Not having to stay on my side of the garage.
  8. Not having to make a proper dinner.
  9. Not having to choose between the tv or computer.
  10. Not having to do anything for anyone after 7pm.
Which all leads to...

Not having a life!

So thanks honey for making me a better person!  I miss you!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Mo-ther I Lo-ve You, I Want Your Fo-od

Surprisingly, Mother's Day is the most popular day of the year to dine out.  More than 6 out of 10 Americans who celebrate Mother's Day with a special meal do so in a restaurant (via source).  Does that strike anyone else as funny?  This means that while we want mom to kick up her feet and be served instead of serving, we also don't want to be the one serving either, because who wants to spend their leisure time cooking and cleaning up?  (Only about 1 in 5.)  In which case we should be ashamed, because eating out was likely mom's idea in the first place.

So what of the other 4 out of 10 Americans who aren't dining out?  Either they are being thoughtful or being spoiled and either way, mom is likely left with something to be desired.  With almost half of our food dollars going to restaurants, (nearly double since the days of Mrs. Cleaver) and only 29% of us making food from scratch (Mrs. Cleaver is now turning over in her vault), cooking has become a talent instead of an everyday way of life.  So either mom and the rest of us will suffer a less than homecooked meal prepared by the thoughtful but untalented populace or through her grace she will cook and feed us as she always has done.

Which brings us to the two fold burden of being a mother and the answer to all her problems:
if you want something done right you have to do it yourself, because
if you don't do it, no one will . . .
unless you pay them. :)
Happy Mother's Day!

Friday, January 22, 2010

You Are What You Think

I read 21 blogging mistakes today (among about 100 other things), but that one stuck. Given that my answer to the question "Do you have a blog?" is "No, but I have a domain :)" I make about all the mistakes that one can make not posting--the biggest being rule #2, and if I did post it would probably be an even 21 (I'm an english major--not a mathmetician.) ;) But no more!

By golly, I'm going to write. And I'm going to write about what I know. And I'm going to write about what I do. And all that really boils down to is life, rather thinking about life really. Because if you ask me where to go, I will have to think about it. And if you ask me what to eat, I will have to think about it. And if my kids ask me to watch a movie, play with friends, or do anything that might involve some minute amount of effort on my part, I will have to think about it.

There are terms for people like me: indecisive, procrastinator, type A personality, OC, HSP, and on first impressions--stuck up. Sadly, for a mind that likes to think so much, it doesn't always ever do it quickly. Maybe it's cluttered or maybe it's distracted, I don't know; it's sure inconvenient and embarrasing though, not to mention exhausting lying awake days later replaying what I should have said or done, plotting how I can work in the fix. (I read that those who read fiction are better people people than those who read non-fiction. Do you think "fiction" could include imagined scenarios? No? Then chalk up another personality flaw for me--I like non-fiction.)

So how does it all end? I don't know, I'll have to think about it--sans running disher, laundry and the TV left on with no one watching it. But if you ask me all I want right now, I will tell you--some quite time to think.