Friday, January 22, 2010

You Are What You Think

I read 21 blogging mistakes today (among about 100 other things), but that one stuck. Given that my answer to the question "Do you have a blog?" is "No, but I have a domain :)" I make about all the mistakes that one can make not posting--the biggest being rule #2, and if I did post it would probably be an even 21 (I'm an english major--not a mathmetician.) ;) But no more!

By golly, I'm going to write. And I'm going to write about what I know. And I'm going to write about what I do. And all that really boils down to is life, rather thinking about life really. Because if you ask me where to go, I will have to think about it. And if you ask me what to eat, I will have to think about it. And if my kids ask me to watch a movie, play with friends, or do anything that might involve some minute amount of effort on my part, I will have to think about it.

There are terms for people like me: indecisive, procrastinator, type A personality, OC, HSP, and on first impressions--stuck up. Sadly, for a mind that likes to think so much, it doesn't always ever do it quickly. Maybe it's cluttered or maybe it's distracted, I don't know; it's sure inconvenient and embarrasing though, not to mention exhausting lying awake days later replaying what I should have said or done, plotting how I can work in the fix. (I read that those who read fiction are better people people than those who read non-fiction. Do you think "fiction" could include imagined scenarios? No? Then chalk up another personality flaw for me--I like non-fiction.)

So how does it all end? I don't know, I'll have to think about it--sans running disher, laundry and the TV left on with no one watching it. But if you ask me all I want right now, I will tell you--some quite time to think.

1 comment:

  1. I lost my bet!! I randomly decided to check your blog tonight and mentally told myself "why bother I bet she hasn't updated." BUT YOU DID!! HURRAY!
    Can't wait for more...I love the way your mind works!
